Hi from, the crew of The Wool Boat.
Wip Wednesday, 22.1.2025 I’m working on my new hat. Knitting from Bretts Fairground shade g7. Carole on narrowboat Emma Maye.

As promised, the party time stripes, “Lime Cordial” in green, yellow and cream shades knitted up.
This is the first time from I’ve knitted with this shade and it looks quite nice.
The finished garment will be an adult sized beanie hat.
Hand knitted by Carole Wareing from The Wool Boat

New shade of Party Time stripes in stock on The Wool Boat today. “Lime cordial”. We got a stock of 30 balls, but l’ve claimed 10 for my garment knitting, so the rest are for sale at £3.60 a ball. I’ve started knitting with it so should have a sample to show you of how it knitts up by tomorrow. Carole

Morning all, Sunday Stitches this week is the progress of my jumper after the Christmas day cast on. The pattern isn’t really showing up yet, but will once l get further along. Using Aurora yarn from James C Brett’s. Hope everyone had the Christmas they hoped for and did dome good crafting. Carole Wareing on nb Emma Maye, with a pile of to be read books. #sundaystitches #thewoolboat #canallife #knitting

Christmas day cast on. Check back for regular updates
— feeling excited.

Sunday Stitches today the 15th December. After 3 Sundays of doing Christmas markets l’m now back in my happy place aboard narrowboat Emma Maye. Still working on the Spring Greens shawl as l’ve been finishing off commisions for Christmas. Have a grand day or evening or morning everyone. Carole #sundaystitches

Sunday Stitches this week from amongst the tool display at Massams Christmas market. Last week it was t cosies at Parbold, while this week it was mainly fingerless gloves Carole sold

Sunday Stitches 24.11.2024
Sunday Stitches 24.11.24, just back from the Parbold Village Hall Market where despite being a successful day l did get a chance to carry in knitting a shawl from this lovely green shades of Swurley wurley yarn.

Sunday Stitches 10.11.2024.
Following on from last weeks video this is the finished hat. I knitted it for a friend, Angus Jones who is the manager of our local pub. Up until last Saturday she had lovely flowing ginger locks. Then she had them shaved off. She asked for sponsorship, to raise money for Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice Liverpool who have had to raise funds to find a new property.
So to keep her head warm I knitted her this beanie which she seems to like it.
ps Angus raised about £1200.

Sunday stitches 27.10.2024 on Emma Maye
We are back from our week away in Sunny Scarborough and back on “Emma Maye” and I’ve just started work on a shawl using a new shade of Swurley Wurley, this one being in shades of Red, white and green, called “Christmas Cheer”
Another of my own patterns that I carry around in my head, never feeling the need to write it down.

Talking of stitches, but may be not a lot in this case, I have been involved in a charity project to help raise money for some charities, initiated by a chap from the next village to Burscough who unfortunately lost his wife to Parkinsons a few years ago.
“Carole the February Calander girl by Sarah-Jane Morey”
In the summer an appeal went out on social media for Lancashire Lasses from around the Rufford and Burscough areas who were happy to be photographed in the style of the original Yorkshire calendar girls to feature in a calendar for 2025.

I volunteered and have become February 2025.

The photographer was a local lady, who organized a number of photo shoots, with my main one knitting away aboard Emma Maye.
The calendar is now for sale for £6 with all the profits going to charity
Carole on The Wool Boat 27.10.2024
Hi all, a double header for this weeks Sunday Stitches, 6.10.2024.

Today I have at last cast off the last stitches of the temperature blanket I have been knitting for our niece’s 1st year of life, just got to sew all the ends in now!
Carole on the narrow boat Emma Maye.
Hi all, this week’s Sunday Stitches is a bit different as we were off the boat in Parbold village hall attending this month’s village market.
We had hoped to sell some of my hand knitted garments, but we didn’t do too well. Some of the other stall holders advised that it may take us two or three months of attending before folks get to know we are there.
Carole 29.9.2024

Monday Stitches 16.9.2024

Hi all, we held this weeks Sunday Stitches over for a day.
As some of you may recall two years ago today, I took a tumble whilst walking along the pier at Southport. I may have tripped on a loose board, or was it because I was looking at Blackpool Tower across the sea?
What I did do was I broke my left shoulder.
Col took me to the A and E at Southport hospital, where most of the staff were great.
X rays and then a sling and pain killers and that was me not knitting for a while. Well about 4 weeks, when I was back up to a row a day. So much for the nan sayers that predicted I would never knit again.
It’s been a long couple of years and I’m still not over confident of putting too much weight or pulling with my left arm…but back up to my old knitting levels.
If you are unfortunate to have something like this to happen, don’t give in to it!
Thank you to everyone who has followed my recovery and for all the good wishes along the way.
Todays knitting is a scarf from a new yarn we have in stock on The Wool Boat.
Carole 16.9.2024
Sunday Stitches 8.9.24. Not much knitting today, it has rained most of the day, and with a nice pile of books to be read it was more of a reading day. Did a few rows on a scarf with this flecked maroon yarn called Pomegranate, which should make a nice present for some one once it’s finished. Carole on narrowboat Emma Maye.

Col has been doing some gardening under the Christmas trees he has planted along side our moorings over the years. Opened up a new view. It will be interesting watching across the fields from this side over the months from narrowboat Emma Maye. Tuesday 3.9.2024

Sunday Stitches 1.9.2024. A finished retro football scarf for Capt Col in the colours of Southport Football Club who as some of you will know he follow all over the country. This scarf hasn’t been used ” in action” yet. 1st game will be against Farsley Celtic on Tuesday night. Some of you may also notice Col has had his winter hair cut. #sundaystitches pic by me, Carole.

Sunday Stitches 18.8.2024
Hi all. What a glorious day here in Suffolk, for some Sunday stitching outside in the sun on the veranda of the lodge that we have been staying in all week.
Yes the football season has started again and Col wants a new “Retro” scarf in Southport colours, yellow and black, so that’s todays stitching. If it gets as warm as it has been this last week it may not progress much!
We are here near Needham Market in Stonham Barns leisure complex where we have been since last Tuesday. A nice quite place to stay, lovely lodge and a good base to explore this part of the country we’ve not been too much before.
Southport FC beat Needham Market 1-2 on the first ever game between the two teams, so Capt Col is happy.
Carole off The Wool Boat.

A morning Sunday Stitches today, 4th August 2024 before hopefully a busy yarn selling day. Today’s wip is 2nd Jordan scarf, knitting from Driftwood. Carole on nb Emma Maye in Burscough, if you are around the area come and say hello.

Sunday Stitches on a Monday. We had a busy end to the day on The Wool Boat yesterday, then with packing away, moving the boat and doing some “gardening” to make the mooring spot more user friendly it got a bit late. But today we’re taking it a bit easier. Scarf knitting with bright orange to match the sun. New cotton hat crocheted by a fellow boating friend. Carole on narrowboat Emma Maye moored between Parbold and Burscough.

Customers are taking over our chairs On The Wool Boat a customer and her brother, Carol and Andy are having a sit on “Carole’s knitting chair”, only really possible on a Thursday afternoon when Carole is at the Slipway Stitchers knit and natter in the pub, and Pauline, is having a sit on Capt Col’s chair, having bought some more yarn. There isn’t a guarantee that everyone who sits in the chair will get a glass of wine with a purchase

For a real change, a skirt for this week’s #sundaystitches.
Back aboard Emma Maye and working on a Driftwood scarf.

Sunday Stitches this week, featuring neither myself or Capt Col. Two finished garments that were WIP’s In previous Sunday Stitches. No patterns. #sundaystitches

This weeks Sunday Stitches is brought to you from a outside a cottage in Oxen Park in the South Lake District not far from Ulverston. I(‘m working on a new scarf design again knitting from James C. Brett Top Value in a bright shade of flecked orange which is knitting up great.
We are away in this cottage for a few days, which is one of the quietest cottage we have been in, all we can here is the baaing of sheep, a few birds and the breeze. The day turned out better weather wise than it started, we have done a bit of a walk, crossing a beck and finding the local reading room. And The Manor House pub is only 100 yards away. Carole and Capt Col #Sundaystitches#knitting#lakedistrict

Sunday Stitches this week in the sun near the big old mill chimney in Burscough. This week’s Sunday Stitches from a bright but cool back deck of Emma Maye. This is a continuation of last Mondays #mondaycaston with the Aurora in shades of blue. Goes with the blue skies over the big chimney over the old corn mill on the banks of the canal. #sundaystitches #emmamaye

Sunday Stitches today from a different boat. Aboard the Queen Anne moored not far from Edinburgh. Next stop Kirkwall. Using Fairground yarn for another shawl. Carole

Hi everyone, a nice day for sitting and knitting on the back of “Emma Maye” here in Burscough. I’m working on one of my shawls, this time from Fairground yarn. Hope it’s as sunny where you are. Carole.

Sunday stitches 5.5.2024 on the towpath
Sunday Stitches this week we are having a nice warm day at last and I’m able to sit alongside the towpath in the middle of Burscough.
This week’s Sunday Stitches is another Swurley Wurley shawl this week from the shade called “Wild Berries” with the pattern that I carry around in my head, never feeling the need to write it down.
Carole off The Wool Boat 5.5.2024
Image Cw 8695 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations
Hi all, here we go again with this week’s Sunday Stitches. Still on Emma Maye, as it’s been a cool wind here in West Lancashire today. But at least you get a look down the boat to the pans hung up in the galley. This week’s stitching is a stripey jumper for a mate. Based on a pattern from the Peter Gregory booklet AK10. Carole

Evening all, on this first day of British summer time so the sun is still flooding into the boat around about 7 o clock. This week Carole is knitting a scarf from Landscape yarn from once again her own pattern. Can l say a big thank you to everyone who liked last week’s Sunday Stitches on our social media. We think this is the best reaction we have ever had. We’d love to see you all aboard The Wool Boat one day, but perhaps not everyone at the same time! We’d sink….Carole and Capt Col

Sunday Stitches back on the narrow boat “Emma Maye” on our mooring near Burscough in West Lancashire.
I’ve got a new basket to do my stitching out of, and it’s a big ‘un.
I’m Sunday Stitching away working on another shawl knitting with “Swurly Wurley” in pinks and purples shades known as “Wild Berries”, from the pattern that I carry around in my head, never felt the need to write it down.
The basket came from a well known supermarket that occasionally sells yarn.
The trousers are from The Hippie Boat, who are now the Hippie Boat on wheels, and the T shirt from the Bruce Springsteen “Wrecking Ball” tour that we went to at the Manchester City ground 10 years ago!
Carole on The Wool Boat.
Cw 8641 Colin Wareing

Sunday Stitches this week is the finished shawl from last weekend now with it’s new owner who was happy to have her pic taken wearing the shawl knitted from Swurley wurley. Thanks for the chance to take the pic. #sundaystitches Carole on narrowboat Emma Maye.
We are back from our break in a not so sunny Skegness, well Wainfleet actually. Stayed a in a really nice cottage within walking distance of a yarn shop, Wainfleece Wools, a couple of pubs and a Brewery, Batemans. (Don’t ask about the football).

The Wainfleece cottage wool shop in Wainfleet all Saints in Lincolnshire. This little shop, in a former quaker cottage built in 1774 which the brown plague above the shop door records. It is on the High Street in the village of Wainfleet All Saints which is between Skegness and Boston. The shop is run by Rachel, opening in the summer of 2023. Rachel offers a good range of yarns, pattens and needles, well worth a visit as is the whole of the village with a couple of good pubs and Batemans brewery to quench your thrust. Image Cw 8594 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations

Sunday Stitches on the canal narrow boat “Emma Maye” 28th January 2024
Carole Sunday Stitching away working on another version of a stripy jumper which have become known locally as “Col jumpers”.
Capt Col has had a number of these jumpers over the years and a few have gone to other folks as well as either commissions or gifts. They are knitted as you can see from a random selection of shades though the sleeves tend to end up as one shade.
When Col has longer hair and wears these jumper’s he can be confused with Mick Aston the archaeologist who feature on the tv show Time Team.
This one I’m knitting for a fellow boater friend.
Carole on The Wool Boat.
Afternoon everyone. We’re back with a Sunday Stitches this week. Last week we where a bit busy celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary. This week looking out of the window on the boat as the storm starts to wind up a bit. Not many birds on the feeders today. I’m working with part-time Chunky today to knit a longline jacket. Hope every one is warm and doesn’t get blown away. Carole and Capt Col on narrowboat Emma Maye

Happy New Year every one, hope you all had a good one? A quiet one like us, we didn’t make it to 12 midnight. Anyway 1st Sunday Stitches of the year from us is a double one, 1st one working on a hat this morning from Swurley Wurley and then later in the day here it is, hanging from the tiller of Emma Maye.

Christmas Stitches 2023. The lap blanket is finished, the pub has been visited, the bird, chicken is in the range and l’m reading Jamacia Inn by Daphne du Maurier Hope every one is having a grand Christmas day. Carole on narrowboat Emma Maye.

Mid afternoon Sunday Stitches this week in between customers. The 2nd half of last weeks knee blanket is progressing well. I hope to have it sewn up and ready for next week. Carole Wareing on The narrowboat Emma Maye.

It’s Sunday evening so it must be Sunday Stitches time. Back on the boat, working on a bright shawl. #sundaystitches Carole on narrowboat Emma Maye back on our mooring on the Leeds and Liverpool canal near Burscough in West Lancashire.

Sunday Stitches this week is scarf measuring coming from a hotel room near Morpeth in Northumberland. We are up here so Col could go and watch Southport fc play Morpeth in the F A cup. Best not to ask the score.. #sundaystiches #scarfknitting #knitting Carole off The Wool Boat for a weekend.

#sundaystitches In the pub watching the Lioness hopefully win the World Cup while Sunday stitching. Pity it wasn’t to be, well done Spain. Carole off the narrowboat Emma Maye.

A bit of a barbie pink for this week’s Sunday Stitches. I’m working on a baby blanket using BabyTwinke prints dk. Carole on nb Emma Maye.

Tuesday Stitches today, 8.8.2023 we were a bit busy on Sunday! So the fun begins. I’ve to male a plan for sewing in the ends, sewing up the chest seams, picking up and knitting the neck and a final sewing up. Carole on narrowboat Emma Maye.

This week’s Sunday Stitches from the narrowboat Emma Maye moored in Parbold. No it’s not a German Flag but a sleeve of a jumper that will eventually appear with a

on it. At least the rain hasn’t been as bad today here as it was on Saturday. Hope you all had good weekend boating, knitting crocheting or whatever took your fancy.

Sunday Stitches today 2.7.2023.
A new project just starting a shawl. A Brian Smith pattern “Spirit” from a booklet from Knitting magazine. Yarn is Aurora from J C Bretts. Started at Mary’s birthday party on Friday. #sundaysstitches #sundaystitching #sundayknitting

Hi this week’s Sunday Stitches, 18.6.2023, is brought to you from a caravan in #Morecambe in North Lancashire. We are having a few days on dry land. Saying that as it is raining steadly after a thunderstorm. I’m working on a baby blanket for our forthcoming great nice. #sundaystitches #babyblanket #knitting #woolboatcrew #nbemmamaye

Sunday stitches 21.5.2023 sitting on the back deck of “Emma Maye” casting on a stitches for a pink baby’s hat from a double knit yarn that contains a touch of Merino, so very soft to the touch. It’s a warm one today so I’ve had to put the silk shirt on to protect my shoulders from the rays.
We do have stocks of this yarn avaulable from the wool boat, but would need 24 hrs notice to get it abaord from the storage place.

Well the 2nd Bank Holiday of May has gone, the Kings Coronation one, so we’ll move all the pictures of the bunting to here…

At last a day warm enough to sit on the back deck of narrowboat Emma Maye whilst Sunday Stitching. Moored in Burscough and working on a Fairground scarf.
Carole has been knitting some Red, White and Blue bunting which we’ll have up on the boat, should look good.

This week’s Sunday Stitches is a continuation of last week’s start on the red, white and blue bunting to decorate the outside of the narrowboat Emma Maye for King Charles coronation. I’ve now done 36 links in the chain and reckon there should 66 by the time the balls of yarn run out.

This weeks Sunday Stitches, Good evening all, well it is here aboard the narrowboat Emma Maye where l’m working on some bunting in red white and blue to string outside the boat for the forthcoming Kings coronation
I’m using Chunky Yarn and making it like the paperchains we made as children.

Sunday Stitiches 2.4.2023, a completed scrappy jumper that I’d started in Sunday Stitches on the 26.2.2023.
I love knitting these up from all the random balls in my stash, and this one is now being worn by a freind who loves it.
Carole on the narrowboat “Emma Maye” aka The Wool Boat.

Sunday Stitches 26.3.2023
We’ve been away on the East Coast for a week. Not been to warm so not much stitching outside. Hope you are all warm enough this weekend as the clocks have gone forwards and it’s British summertime
. Carole in Filey
Sunday Stitches 19.3.2023

This weeks Sunday stitches is a finished garment. A jumper that I’ve knitted from Fairground yarn.
This is the garment I was knitting in the Sunday Stitches of 12.2.2023 when we where up in the Peak District.
Have you finished anything off this week?
Carole from the nb Emma Maye, aka The Wool Boat.

A windy few days, stuff rattling about on the roof, so we lashed everything down…

Ist stitches of the New year, following the first cast on of the year.

Sunday Stitching in front of our boat sized Christmas tree today. Happy Christmas from Carole and Capt Col.

A bit of a different one this week, a wip, one of a pair of ankle warmers that I’m knitting as a bit of an experiment in design and wear ability. These are influenced by a pattern from Mary Jones, knitted from 2 stands together of acrylic dk yarn from James C Brett, looks like I’ll be able to get the pair out of the 100 gram ball. I started them last evening, 47 stitches on a straight 5 mm needle working the yarn double. They are 10.5 inches long. Still cold up here on the canal near Burscough, but it’s getting warmer, wind and rain so not leaving the boat today, hopefully tomorrow. Carole on The Wool Boat.
We’ve been frozen in on our mooring for a couple of weeks

The ice has got a bit thicker over night around the Narrowboat Emma Maye on the Leeds and Liverpool canal near Burscough. The sun is out though so is already working on thawing it out, but it could take a few days as the forecast is for more cold nights. Photo image Cw 8136 Copyright Colin Wareing
Well things are a bit different at the moment.
As you may know Carole has taken a tumble and has broken her left shoulder and is in a lot of pain and a sling. This happened on a walk down Southport pier last Friday, the 16th of September.
We cancelled the last weekends opening plans and now have had time to consider how we can continue you to provide a service to all our lovely loyal customers.
Capt Col will be running the job for a while and will be available for appointments at the Wool Boat on our mooring near The Slipway pub on Crabtree Lane near Burscough, L40 0RN at a time when is convenient for you and we are not at fracture clinics or doing other medical things as told to us by the doctors.
He will also be once again offering his local delivery service as per his map, within about a 10 mile radius of Burscough, all he asks is there is a minimum order vale of £10.
For further afield Col will be happy to post out, via the Royal mail.
The best way to contact us for your orders or to make a appointment for a visit is to give us a ring on 07931 356204
Carole and Capt Col 20.9.2022

Sunday stitches on the canal narrow boat “Emma Maye” 11th December 2022. Isn’t in cold in winter living on a canal boat? One of the questions we get asked all the time. It’s about 2C outside, the canal has ice frozen over it, Col is out with the camera, taking pictures of me from outside on the towpath alongside the boat. As long as we keep well stocked up with wood and coal the answer to the question is no, as here I am Sunday Stitching away working on a neck warmer knitting it from Driftwood yarn which is proving to be a nice soft knit. Carole on The Wool Boat. Image Cw 8140 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations

Carole’s Sunday Stitches this week, a good bit of movement getting back into the broken shoulder. Not too much at a time, a couple of rows every other day. Party Time Chunky which will become a sleeveless cardigan.

I’ve got a few Sunday Stitches in this week, crocheting not knitting but it’s a start. I went to see Bill the physiotherapist at Ormskirk hospital on Wednesday. He was amazed how well I’m doing but advised against doing too much knitting for a while. He gave me some exercises to do with my arm. On the narrowboat Emma Maye moored near Burscough in West Lancashire.

Yes yes, just over 4 weeks since my tumble ended with a broken shoulder I’m back on the boat for a few hours and at last l’ve got my needles out and some Party Time Chunky Yarn and l’ve done a few stitches.
Still abandoned stitches 2.10.2022

17 days since I took my tumble on Southport pier and not a stitch stitched!
My left arm shoulder is still in the sling, but at least my lip is looking better.
Now I’m just getting fed up with not being able to do any knitting
Hopefully things may get better after tomorrow as I have an appointment at the fracture clinic at the hospital.
My shoulder is feeling a bit better, achey and heavy.
We are still not back on the boat, though it’s been a fairly busy week, with a funeral to go to on Tuesday and then the book club on Wednesday evening and the knit and natter on Thursday afternoon. There was a lovely present waiting for me when I got to the pub for the K and N. Barbara from Shetland had sent me a copy of the “Shetland Wool Adventures Journal” Vol no 4. Thank you Barbara, it’s a lovely book with plenty of interesting stories and patterns.
It was a bit spooky as a friend has been to Shetland this last week for Shetland Wool Week and is bringing me back a Shetland knitting belt and needles, with which I may be able to knit with just one hand.
This week’s list of book’s read is
1 “Home” by Harold Coben
2 “The Hunted” by Kerry Barnes
3 “”Black Dog” by Stephen Booth
And no 4 4th of July by James Patterson.
Despite The Wool Boat not being properly, except for a few hours on Thursday afternoon Capt Col has still been able to supply our customers with a couple of appointments at the boat, too local deliveries and posting a parcel out.
Thanks for all the interest and good wishes flowing my way from all corners of the world and I’m hopeful for some good news tomorrow.
Carole 2.10.2020
Hi all. What a lovely surprise when l got to the knit and natter in The Slipway yesterday as this was waiting for me. Thank you Barbara from Shetland

Abandoned Sunday stitches week 2 25.9.2022

Well I’ve got over the shock and now getting to the frustrated stage cos I can’t knit.
I went to the fracture clinic on Wednesday and the doctor confirmed that it could take a while before I can take up my needles again, I’m due back for another x-ray in a couple of weeks. The doctor suggested that I shouldn’t consider even thinking about knitting until after then.
The pain killers are helping, but still the nights are a struggle when I have to try and not turn over in bed.
I have been doing a lot of reading, this week’s read book list is…
“Iron Horse” by Edward Marston
“The Lincoln Lounge” by Michael Connelly
“Blood work” again by Michael Connelly
“In a house of lies” by Ian Rankin
And “Burning Bright” by Tracy Chevalier.
I did manage to get out to pub for The Slipway Stitcher’s knit and natter on Thursday afternoon for a natter with Sue, Alison and Mary, which was nice.
A big thank you to everyone who has sent me best wishes, virtual hugs, thoughts, and prayers, cards and presents, though I think Capt Col has his eye on the Chocolates.

A Dragon tooth scarf hand knitted aboard the narrow boat “Emma Maye” in Lancashire by Carole Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations. This exclusive garment is an adult sized shawl, knitted from a yarn available from The Wool Boat which is produced by James C Brett. The yarn used for this shawl is an acrylic yarn from the James C Brett’s “Stonewash” range, shade SW1. The colours are shades of Red and grey The stitches used to create this shawl have produced a textured structure to the garment. The yarn is an acrylic one, very warm and snuggly and easy maintaince. The shawl is approximately 72 inch long and 11 inch deep at its widest point and has about 64 dragon’s teeth. For Sunday Stitches 15.5.2022. A bit of a different Sunday Stitches this week from me, a finished shawl, displayed on myself stood on the towpath next to our boat “Emma Maye” on the Leeds and Liverpool canal near Burscough in West Lancashire. This is the garment I was knitting in last week’s “Sunday Stitches” with the yarn coming from J C Bretts “Stonewash” range and the pattern one I’ve made up myself, fairly simple so has never been written down. Carole #SundayStitches #shawl #knitting #finishedgarment #thewoolboat. #knittersofravelry #knittersofinstagram #knittersoftheworld Garment no 575 Cw 7996 Image no Cw 7996 Image Copyright Colin Wareing colinandcarolescreations@yahoo.co.uk
This week’s #sundaystitches comes from the back deck of the narrowboat “Emma Maye” aka The Wool Boat. Carole is working with Stonewash yarn from #jcbretts that will become a shawl. It has at last become warm enough, just, to sit outside for a while. We have moved from our mooring a bit further down the canal, but still moored near @theslipwaybarandrestaurant just after the swing bridge.

Within the market hall at Alfreton in Derbyshire can be found this lovely wool stall. Run by a couple, Chris and Ian, the stall sells mainly acrylic yarns but is still we worth a visit. Colin Wareing 4.5.2022 Image Cw 7989

Image Cw 7982 copyright Carole Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations

Sunday Stitches 3.3.2022, Carole sat in the shop watching the boat race

This week’s #sundaystitches, a shawl from Northern lights. On the road in the pick-up coming back from the flatlands of Lincolnshire over the Derbyshire dales to the equally as flatlands of West Lancashire. It was a bit of a wet trip over the tops.
We had been on a six day trip to Telford and then Boston so Col could watch Southport F C win 0-3 at Telford and draw 1 -1 at Boston

This week’s #sundaystitches from aboard the narrowboat Emma Maye on our mooring on the Leeds and Liverpool canal in West Lancashire. This week Carole is knitting a scrappy blanket from stash yarn. With the wind blowing quite hard today we may need the blanket on the bed later

Dinners done so now it’s knitting, drinking and the Lavender Hill mob on the telly… Happy Christmas to everyone
Sunday Stitches #sundaystitches this week. Knitting a jumper from @westyorkshirespinners ColourLab “Purple Rain” aboard the narrow boat Emma Maye” on the Leeds and Liverpool canal near #Burscough

We have just had published our 1st boat review.

Nice grey and pink paint work showing off the lines of the narrow boat Breeze in the marina at Ripon. The small flue on this side of the television aerial is the flue for the incinerator toilet. The boat was built by Narrowboats of Distinction on an Alexander hull and shell. The date is 23.8.2021 Image Cw 7728 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations
We went to see the boat in the marina in Ripon a few weeks ago and found it all a interesting job.
The full review is published in the October edition of the canal newspaper Towpath Talk, which can be found free in chandlers and some canal side pubs, or it can be read on line here.
Hopefully the boat builder and the owners think we did a fair job and hopefully we’ll be asked to do another one soon.
This is where we’ll try and keep you up to date with what’s going on in our world, page updated 18.8.2021
Sunday Stitches on the canal 15.8.2021

Sunday stitches on the canal 15.8.2021
Aran jumper Sunday stitches on the canal narrow boat “Emma Maye” 15th of August 2021 This week Carole is working on a Aran Jumper knitting from James C Bretts “Aran with wool” yarn. Image Cw 7713 copyright Colin Wareing
Yesterday we sold some “Northern Lights” yarn to a lady who lives in California who was originally from Wigan ?. Wonder where our yarn will end up today from being open outside The Farmers Arms?

For #finishedoffFriday I’ve knitted this project this week in shades of blue. But I’m not quite sure what to call it? A stole, a wrap? Any ideas appreciated. It’s knitted in seeded rib and being from a wool and acrylic yarn is quite warm so would make a great addition to the wardrobe of someone who is now working from home in the “new normal”. Knitted from JC Bretts “Landscape” yarn, Carole on the canal.

We are available until Thursday this week, up to the 1st of October for anything you may require. After that we are have a few days break before we start the run into Christmas.

Well that one once finished didn’t stay in stock long, we sold it from the Wool Boat yesterday.