The Wigan flight of locks.
These locks are one of the main features of the Leeds and Liverpool canal that raise the canal from the town centre of Wigan up to Aspull.
The flight starts at lock 85 up to lock 65, 21 locks that raise the canal by 214 feet.
The locks are all double with, or wide locks that can take a wide beam boat that is up to 14 feet wide and 60 feet long, or two 7 feet wide narrow boats side by side.
After a stoppage for repair works the flight reopened on Saturday the 22nd of July in pouring rain, but it wasn’t going to stop the boays that had been waiting for up to six weeks to continue their journeys,

Two narrow boat’s “Purple Emperor” and “Whisky Mac” are starting to descend the long flight of locks down towards Wigan from Aspull on The Leeds and Liverpool canal on 22.7.2023. These where the first boats to go down the flight of 21 locks as the flight reopened following a stoppage to repair two locks further down the flight. This meant no boats have been able to move up or down the locks since the 14th of June. 39 Days. Image Cw 8377 copyright Colin Wareing

The narrow boat “Purple Emperor” is making the turn into the top lock of the Wigan flight of locks at Aspull. The boat is fighting its way through a blanket of duck weed that has grown up over the last six weeks due to restricted boat movement as the long flight of locks down towards Wigan from Aspull on The Leeds and Liverpool canal have been closed. This boat was one of the first two boats to go down the flight of 21 locks as the flight reopened on a wet Saturday morning following a stoppage to repair two locks further down the flight. This meant no boats have been able to move up or down the locks since the 14th of June. 39 Days.
Image Cw 8378 copyright Colin Wareing

On a wet Saturday in July two narrow boat’s “It’ll do” and its butty have starting to descend the long flight of locks down towards Wigan from Aspull on The Leeds and Liverpool canal on 22.7.2023. These where the 2nd two boats to go down the flight of 21 locks as the flight reopened following a stoppage to repair two locks further down the flight. This meant no boats have been able to move up or down the locks since the 14th of June. 39 Days. These two are about to enter the 2nd lock down from the top of the flight.
Image Cw 8379 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations

On a wet Saturday in July two narrow boat’s “It’ll do” and its butty have starting to descend the long flight of locks down towards Wigan from Aspull on The Leeds and Liverpool canal on 22.7.2023. These where the 2nd two boats to go down the flight of 21 locks as the flight reopened following a stoppage to repair two locks further down the flight. This meant no boats have been able to move up or down the locks since the 14th of June. 39 Days. These two boats are waiting to enter lock 68 as it refills with water. This was one of the locks that had needed repair. The problem here was a blown cill, the part of the lock that the gates seal onto at the bottom.
Image Cw 8380 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations

In the pouring rain on a wet Saturday in July two narrow boats are descending the long flight of locks down towards Wigan from Aspull on The Leeds and Liverpool canal on 22.7.2023. These where the 1st two boats to go down the flight of 21 locks as the flight reopened following a stoppage to repair two locks further down the flight. This meant no boats have been able to move up or down the locks since the 14th of June. 39 Days. These two boats are entering lock 69 passing the safety fencing that had been used to protect the work site and the public whilst the repairs had been on going. This was one of the locks that had needed repair. The problem here initially was the gates where leaking too much water but when the repairs had started a void was discovered at the entrance to the lock which required more work than anticipated including adding at least 20 tons of clay into the void.
Image Cw 8381 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations

On a wet rainy July morning two narrow boat’s “Purple Emperor” and “Whisky Mac” have just entered the top lock and are starting to descend the long flight of locks down towards Wigan from Aspull on The Leeds and Liverpool canal on 22.7.2023. These where the first boats to go down the flight of 21 locks as the flight reopened following a stoppage to repair two locks further down the flight. This meant no boats have been able to move up or down the locks since the 14th of June. 39 Days.
Image Cw 8382 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations

A build-up of floating weed at the top of the Wigan flight of locks has turned the whole canal into a green baize. The ducks can still just about make progress through it, leaving little trails behind them. The locks of the flight have been closed since the 14th of June due to a problem at lock 68, a blown cill that the gates close over to form a water tight seal. There hasn’t been much boat movement since then to disturb the weed, with some boats having to wait near by before they can continue their journeys when the locks reopen. The stoppage to navigation may go on for a while longer as repairs are also needed to lock 68. A large sink hole has appeared in the lock as repair works to the head and tail gates of this lock, to reduce water leakage, had just started. This picture was taken on 28.6.2023.
Image Cw 8347 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations

Repair work is in progress on locks of the Wigan flight of locks on the Leeds and Liverpool canal in Greater Manchester. The locks of the flight have been closed since the 14th of June due to a problem at lock 68, a blown cill that the gates close over to form a water tight seal. That stoppage was an emergency one, though the works on lock 69, nearest the camera, had been planned to start in July. This stoppage was to repair the head and tail gates of this lock, to reduce water leakage, however a large sink hole has appeared in the lock just as work started. The stoppage to navigation thus may go on for a while longer as repairs are planned and completed to repair the sink hole and the gates. This picture was taken on 28.6.2023.
Image Cw 8352 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations

Repair work is in progress on locks of the Wigan flight of locks on the Leeds and Liverpool canal in Greater Manchester. The locks of the flight have been closed since the 14th of June due to a problem at lock 68, a blown cill that the gates close over to form a water tight seal. That stoppage was an emergency one, though the works on lock 69, nearest the camera, had been planned to start in July. This stoppage was to repair the head and tail gates of this lock, to reduce water leakage, however a large sink hole has appeared in the lock just as work started. The stoppage to navigation thus may go on for a while longer as repairs are planned and completed to repair the sink hole and the gates. This picture was taken on 28.6.2023.
Image Cw 8349 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations